St. Louis, Missouri is a vibrant city with a diverse population. With a diversity score of 68 out of 100, it is more diverse than other U. S.
cities. The Central West End is one of the most diverse neighborhoods in St. Louis, and the following map shows the diversity in the area. The areas in green are more diverse, while the areas in red are much less diverse.
Diversity here means a mix of people of different races and ethnicities living close to each other. For example, exclusively black and white areas of the city would be considered to lack diversity. The most diverse area within the St. Louis proper boundaries is the city center, while the least diverse areas are found in the northeastern part of the city. If you're looking for a neighborhood that isn't included in the list above, you can check out Municipalities of St.
Louis for more information. None of these sources includes everything there is to know about a neighborhood, but by gathering information from each of these sources, one can get an idea of the incredible variety of lifestyles available in the various neighborhoods of St. Louis. From bustling city centers to quiet suburban enclaves, there's something for everyone in this vibrant city.